If you smell a very strong stench of gas in your home, there’s a chance there may be formaldehyde present. Call AIR IQ right away if you’re experiencing this issue in your home. It’s important to get the home tested and remove the material right away. We test for this chemical by entering the area of suspected formaldehyde exposure, collecting samples, and sending them to a specialty lab to test and get the results.Throughout the entire process our team is keeping themselves safe by wearing proper protection and maintaining caution the whole way through.
Formaldehyde can be caused by paints, chemicals, building materials, plastics, fibers, and more.
Formaldehyde is a colorless pungent gas made by oxidizing methanol.This means it can only be detected by smell and even then, it needs to be tested to know how to handle it. It is a dangerously flammable gas that has a very strong odor. If you smell a strong unexplained odor in your home, call us immediately!
The health risks associated with formaldehyde include the symptoms below, while prolonged exposure can lead to more serious health concerns. These health concerns include developing cancer.